Worship Fully this Christmas

December 21, 2017

by Erin Bird

This coming Monday is Christmas Day! Hard to believe it's almost here. Chances are your day will be filled with food, noise, wrapping paper, entertainment, conversations, and who-knows-what-else.

Let me encourage you to not simply get caught up in the cultural trappings of the day. While I hope you enjoy the food, fun, and gift-giving, here are some creative ideas to help you Worship Fully:

8 Ideas to help you Worship Fully

  1. Read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20 before opening gifts.
  2. Talk about the gifts the Magi gave Jesus, and ask each person in the room what they would give Jesus if He was spending the day with you.
  3. Encourage the kids (or adults!) to reenact the Christmas story.
  4. Sing a carol about Jesus' arrival like Joy to the World. (For lyrics, go here.)
  5. If you have little kids (or even if you don't!), bake Jesus a birthday cake and sing him "Happy Birthday."
  6. Attend the Riverwood/Grace Baptist Christmas Eve candlelight service Sunday night at 6:00 pm.
  7. When you and your family/guests sit down to eat together, have each person who feels comfortable pray aloud, thanking God for sending Jesus.
  8. Start your day with 2 or 3 minutes (or more!) alone in prayer, thanking God for Jesus and praying for everyone you'll be spending the day with.

This is just a primer. The main point is to make your holiday start with Jesus, end with Jesus, and be all about Jesus. May the presents remind you of the gift of Jesus. May the laughter remind you that the joy of the Lord is our strength. May everything in your day drive you toward Jesus.

Hopefully you have Spent Less, yet Given More this Christmas Season. May you Love All you interact with this Christmas week. But most of all, may your focus be first and foremost upon Worshipping Jesus Fully.

Erin Bird Lead Pastor - Riverwood Church

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